『超レア洋書★【Nova 1965-75】★60s&70s/グラフィックデザイン/写真/ビジュアルブック/ファッション』はセカイモンでed8e8bから出品され、288の入札を集めて12月28日 10時 46分に、8700円で落札されました。即決価格は8700円でした。決済方法はに対応。山梨県からの発送料は落札者が負担しました。PRオプションはストア、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、即買でした。
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【内容】・・・"Nova: 1965-1975" is a celebration of the British style magazine of the 60s and 70s. A product of the creative cauldron in "Swinging London", Nova was avant-garde in every aspect: its typography and layout, illustration and photography. It offered a mixture of daring and artistic imagery with unconstrained writing which had never been done before, and marked a period of real innovation in magazine design. The book shows every Nova cover, and over 200 photographs and layouts of key features. The accompanying words tell the story of the magazine and the people who made it, how Nova influenced and was influenced by the times, and is complemented by a "time-line" of events, the signposts of the era. But the lavishly reproduced images, such as the groundbreaking "How to Undress in Front of Your Husband" speak largely for themselves. Not only of specialist interest to designers and artists, and nostalgic interest to avid subscribers, this is also a visual document of times of great change, of the political and cultural upheavals which brought us platform soles and flares, Mick Jagger and Ted Heath. David Hillman was art director for "Nova" from 1969 until it closed in 1975. He was also deputy editor during that time. Harry Peccinotti was the magazine's first art director and regular photographer througho
ut. 貴重な写真やポスター、 製品などの図版とともに紹介。秀逸なデザインのみをセレクトしたビジュアルブック。
David Hillman (著, 編集), Harry Peccinotti (著), David Gibbs (編集), Harri Peccinotti (編集)
●出版社: Pavilion Books; New edition版
●言語 英語